Buffet, Soros and Wealthy Elite Fund Abortion

George Soros and World Wealthy Elite Fund Abortion

Warren Buffett’s foundation is by far the largest contributor–over $70 million in one year alone! Planned Parenthood’s political action committee, committed to electing pro-abortion candidates, got a cool $7,250,000 from Buffett’s foundation. Full article at nationalrighttolifenews.org

George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OPI) have also been major players. On the Open society Institute’s 2013 Form 990 PF, the most recent available, OPI gave Planned Parenthood PPFA $1,650,000 “to address health disparities in the south and southeast regions of the United States.

The David and Lucille Packard Foundation, gave the Guttmacher Institute, an independent agency $2,820,000 for “Population and Reproductive Health”.

In the early days, the wealthy elite funded Planned Parenthood’s efforts to halt the “breeding” of the lower classes. Tax forms recently made available by foundations of some of the nation’s wealthiest families show that, rather than waning, that interest has grown, now helping to fund not only Planned Parenthood, but also a worldwide abortion empire.

In the end, no amount of noble sounding rhetoric about how money will be used to rid the world of poverty, disease, hunger will be able to mask to whom the money is going and the purposes for which it will be used. The best spin money can buy cannot mask the reality of what abortion is and what it does to not just a mother and her unborn child, but how it destroys an economy and a nation.

In the meantime, the hundreds of millions this enormously wealthy handful of individuals and foundations gives to abortion promoting and performing groups will, for now, keep them operating, help them to get out their messages, and put many of their political candidates in office.