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Judge finds Aborted Babies are Medical Waste

NEW YORK – Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, today criticized federal Judge Tanya Walton Pratt’s decision to enjoin Indiana’s law protecting babies of more than 20 weeks’ gestation from abortion solely because of their race, sex, or disability. Priests for Life July 01, 2016

Also struck down was the state’s provision requiring the remains of aborted babies to be treated the same as those of other humans. Full Article
“This decision implies that protecting abortion is more important than stopping discrimination based on race, sex, or disability,” said Fr. Pavone. “As we saw with the Supreme Court recently, judges bent on defending abortion, of necessity, turn justice on its head.”
Indiana’s law was adopted earlier this year, but was challenged by Planned Parenthood. The abortion business complained that requiring it to cremate the bodies of aborted babies would cost too much money. Judge Pratt sided with Planned Parenthood, holding that Indiana has “no legitimate state interest in treating an aborted fetus the same as a deceased human.”
“Abortion has so perverted our language and our law that a judge cannot recognize that an aborted baby in fact is a ‘deceased human,’” added Fr. Pavone. “It speaks to the very nature of the pro-abortion mindset that anyone could consign children to be treated as medical waste, as Judge Pratt has done.”
Priests for Life is the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit

Life-Size Noah’s Ark Museum, Opens in Kentucky

The Ark Encounter, a life-size replica of Noah’s ark described in Genesis, officially opens on July 7th in Grant county, Kentucky.

Built to the specifications given in the Bible, the giant wooden ark is 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high, making it the largest timber-frame building in the world. Inside the ark there’s a museum dedicated to the story of Noah (offering a literalistic interpretation of the story) and sharing the Gospel.

The ark is just Phase 1 of a much larger planned Christian theme park that will include an ancient walled city, Tower of Babel, and first century village, among other things.

“I believe you’re going to find all sorts of people from all walks of life,” he told Christian Post, “with all sorts of religious backgrounds who are going to come here and even if they don’t share our biblical view, they can’t help but be impressed by the structure, craftsmanship and by the attention to detail of world class exhibits inside.”

Supreme Court “We can’t Live without Abortion.”

The Supreme Court handed down a major ruling on abortion. The media called it “abortion rights.”

What Does the Recent SCOTUS Decision Mean?

Posted: 06 Jul 2016 11:27 AM PDT

If we were following the news, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down a major ruling on abortion. The media called it “abortion rights.” In Texas, the Justices ruled that current regulations of Texas abortion restrictions could be lifted.

Keep in mind that we’re talking about regulations surrounding abortions. That’s all. The SCOTUS ruling do not lift any abortion ban. What does this mean?

When the ruling was announced. many in the pro-abortion world cheered that women would have “unrestricted access to abortion care.” The ruling, though located in Texas, would set a precedent for other related state cases concerning abortion laws. Why is it that we demand regulations for other things but not for abortion?

The other camp, the prolife community, lamented the ruling as violating the safety of women and unborn children. “This ruling will just hurt women and babies that much more, they declared. But something is missing here. Something is being forgotten.

Why Abortion Restrictions?

What does the recent SCOTUS decision mean? It means that such rulings are entirely possible in other states. What are abortion restrictions? There are many such restrictions. Many of such laws have been passed in Many states. Those who call themselves abortion abolitionists have a term for this. They call abortion restrictions “instrumentalism.” Such restrictions include imposing waiting periods on women who want abortions. This would give them more time to think about their decision. Parental consent laws require minors who want abortions to notify their parents. Ultrasound laws require women to be shown ultrasounds of their babies so they can give “informed consent.” Some states are banning abortions after 20 weeks. Many states have “partial birth abortion bans,” that is, simply protecting babies who are about to be born. In spite of all these restrictions, though, over 3500 babies continue to lose their lives to abortion daily. And just as we in the prolife community have settled for incremental restrictions, a Texas SCOTUS ruling indicates that even incremental restrictions are unwelcome.

What This Ruling reveals About Our Culture

What does the recent SCOTUS decision mean? It means that we’re thoroughly convinced that we can’t live without abortion. We can’t even live with incremental restrictions! This reveals that over 40 years of legal abortion has made abortion acceptable. Reports of abortion workers indicate that some of them actually believe that they’re “serving God” by performing abortions! The sad fact is that many who call themselves support abortion. In our false compassion for women in crisis, we think that offering them abortion serves them. Former abortion workers have testified that in doing abortions, they actually thought they were providing compassionate care for women. Our cultures common term “abortion care” has reinforced this lie. What about rape and incest victims? What about those whose babies have a poor prenatal dagnosis? Definitely, this culture declares that they “have” to have abortions! We tend to turn to killing to “handle” our problems. Husbands kill wives. Wives kill husbands. Young people kill parents to be in a relationship or to get their mobile device back! Angry people go into public places and commit mass murders. Life has become cheap. This can all be traced to the legalization of abortion.

Do Women Need Abortion?

What does the recent SCOTUS decision mean? It means that the belief that women need abortion is entrenched. For decades, we’ve come to see “abortion rights” as women’s “right to choose.” We call it reproductive freedom. We call it bodily autonomy. We even call it heath care! But what good does abortion do? Whole nonprofits exist to help post-abortive women recover from their abortions, emotionally and spiritually. Many of such women regret their abortions They’re working fervently to end abortion, in honor of the unborn babies who died at their hands. Men testify to being deprived of their children because their wives or girlfriends made “the choice” behind their backs. Abortion workers testify as to the dehumanizing effect of working in abortion clinics because they had no other way to earn a living. Yes, many women are desperate. They turn to abortion because their families don’t support them. They turn to abortion because their boyfriends or husbands don’t support them. They turn to abortion because the Church doesn’t know how to help them. Most of all, they turn to abortion because they don’t know about abortion alternatives.

Why We Should Never Give Up What does the recent SCOTUS Decision mean? It means that we have far to go. We have much to do before this culture will see that we can live without abortion. This means that any call to ban abortion has to include strengthening abortion alternatives. It means creating new laws that will give even more abortion alternatives. It means more funding for adoption and low-income health care. We can’t give up advocating for the unborn. Millions of them, in the U.S. alone, have died because of abortion. As long as the media use the terms “abortion care” and “abortion rights” the lie will continue. Many of us don’t have the time or money to travel and meet with politicians in person. But we can sign and circulate petitions. You have a chance to sign the petition below. Or if you have, circulate it! All voices are needed.


Don’t Feed the Trolls – It Just Encourages Them

Paid Internet Protestors

These people are commonly called “trolls.” I have an idea why they appear so regularly. And, I have an idea what to do about them.

The sexual revolution is built on an intellectual house of cards. It cannot withstand close scrutiny. Therefore, sexual revolutionaries cannot afford to discuss ideas, reasons and evidence. Instead they spend their time making noise that appears to be pointless. Full Article

But the noise has a very definite point. The Revolutionaries want to change the subject away from them and their illogic. Incidentally, thinking people want to leave the room, just to get away from the god-awful racket.

I suspect some of these perpetual commenters are paid by advocacy organizations. I believe this because:

  • Too many of them just happen to appear at the same time and place
  • They all say approximately the same thing
  • They post far more than most normal people with real jobs would have time for

That is why I suggest we call them paid internet protestors, or PIPs.

They are the online intellectual equivalent of the paid street protestors who show up at Trump rallies and other places. Not physically destructive, obviously, but intellectually, they are every bit as destructive. They want you and your ideas to go away. They want you to be afraid.

Government Employees act as Priests and Pastors, Molding Religious Beliefs.

TMLC brought the law suit on behalf of Tara Nikolao, a devout Catholic, registered nurse, and mother of four.  Mrs. Nikolao objects to vaccines manufactured from aborted fetal cells and other vaccines on religious grounds.  Her lawsuit claims that government employees violate the Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses of the First Amendment, the religious protections in Michigan’s Constitution, and a Michigan statute when they subject parents to detailed interrogation about their religious beliefs. Full Article

In Mrs. Nikolao’s case, health department employees used the MDHHS Religion document, which falsely attributes a quote to Pope Benedict XVI, in an attempt to coerce her into violating her beliefs by vaccinating her children. The documents claims that, according to Pope Benedict XVI, “parents who chose not to give vaccines derived from [aborted fetal] cells would be in ‘more proximate cooperation with evil’ than those who gave their children the vaccines in question because of the life-saving nature of vaccines.” Pope Benedict never made such a statement.  Moral Reflections, the Vatican document produced on vaccines containing the cells of aborted children by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, also did not contain any condemnation of parents who refuse to vaccinate, especially not the MDHHS characterization of parents who do not vaccinate their children as “evil.”

Kate Oliveri, TMLC attorney handling the case commented: “The new rule allows government employees to take on the role of priests and pastors, molding religious beliefs to further the State’s agenda. This is antithetical to the religious protections found in the Federal and Michigan constitutions and the religious protections enacted by the Michigan legislature.”

Two Weeks Ago, She was given a Death Sentence.

Persons who suffer from dementia or mental illness to be starved or dehydrated

Life Legal wishes you a happy and safe Independence Day!

Last week, I had the opportunity to meet Tabetha Long, a 32 year-old woman who was largely unresponsive after she went into cardiac arrest. The decision was made to put Tabetha in hospice and to starve her to death.

Two days after arriving in hospice, Tabetha began to speak and move her limbs. When her boyfriend, John, went to visit her, she told hm she was hungry and asked for something to eat. John tried to get the hospice facility to feed Tabetha, but they refused. When she tried to get out of bed, they put her on morphine. John called the Life Legal Defense Foundation and we were able to find a local attorney to intervene. He and John went to court and the next day Tabetha was moved back to the hospital. She had been without food for 10 days.

Now Tabetha is learning how to feed herself again at a brain rehabilitation facility. She is breathing on her own and is walking with assistance. She speaks in complete sentences and has been asking to go home. Just two weeks ago, she was given a death sentence.

THANK YOU, Life Legal supporters, for helping to SAVE TABETHA’S LIFE!!!

So Much in our Healthcare System we Owe to Nuns!

Nuns in 19th century America often made decisions in business without ever consulting a man.

Between bathrooms and gorillas, thankfully, other news was happening last month that may just make the history books.  One of those less talked about events was that the Supreme Court of the United States made a unanimous decision in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

p-sister-ann-loretta-young1-285x-memeThe fact that a group of nuns went all the way to the Supreme Court of the U.S. over an issue involving health care is extremely interesting to me. As a graduate student pursuing a Master’s in History, I specifically researched Catholic Nuns and their influence on healthcare and nursing education. I learned that so much in our healthcare system we owe to nuns!

Here are the facts I found most impressive: Nuns in 19th century America often made decisions in business without ever consulting a man. In a culture and country where most women followed the orders of a father or husband, these women were planning, building and even providing employment without the lead of a man. AND THERE IS MORE!

In the nineteenth century, more than a third of American hospitals were established and run by women with religious vocations. In Say Little, Do Much, Sioban Nelson casts light on the work of these women’s religious communities.

Abortionist Doctor Gets in the Face of a Pro-Life Activist.

It was a bizarre scene outside San Diego’s Family Planning Associates clinic when an abortion doctor exited the front door and got right in the face of a pro-life activist, who recorded the entire exchange.

p-robert-santella2-285x-memeSAN DIEGO, CA, June 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A disturbing new video shows an abortionist get in the face of a sidewalk counselor, hold scissors at throat-level, and say he loves tearing babies apart in a guttural voice.

Santella’s history shows a record of neglect that hurt women. In December 1983, the California State Board of Medical Quality Assurance suspended Dr. Santella’s license for 60 days and put him on probation for five years after documenting that he injured three female patients and contributed to one mother having a miscarriage.

Take the Quiz! What do You Know about Abortion in America?

The Truth About Abortion.

Take the Quiz to Test Your Knowledge. Start Truth-Abortion-Quiz Here!

Do you know the truth about abortion in America? What is being done to combat this horrific problem? Are we, as taxpayers, funding abortion? Take the quiz to find out how much you know about abortion in America and just how significant of a problem it is.

Abortion is one of the most common procedures in America. About one in three women will have an abortion in their lifetime. Think about that: If you’re in a room full of 10 women, it’s likely that about three of them have had or will have an abortion at some point in their life. Facts About Abortion

We need to take a bold stand, especially in this critically important election year to elect pro-life candidates who will fight to put an end to the horrific act of abortion.

As the political climate can seem uncertain, supporters of life can do something right now – commit to voting for pro-life candidates in the coming elections. Regardless of who the candidates will be, the key issue will not be changing. There are simply too many lives of innocent unborn babies on the line. We must vote pro-life.

Add your name to a growing number of pro-life supporters who are saying “I will vote pro-life!” Sign the Pledge Today!

Changing Lives at Vans Warped Tour “Do Human Rights Begin with Brain Waves?”

Changing Lives at Vans Warped Tour

“Honestly I love what you guys are doing. The conversation I had with one of you at Warped (tour) yesterday changed my perspective a lot.”

Working in the pro-life movement we love stories. Stories of saved children, adoption opportunities, and more crop up at every event we work, and getting to take part in those conversations and stories is one of the coolest opportunities I believe I will ever have. “Conversion stories” (instances where we can educate and convert some one from a pro-abortion stance to a pro-life one) are personal favorites for me because of the integral part Rock for Life team members get to take in these conversions.

rockforlife2-285xWorking a booth at any event places us in a position of great opportunity to educate others about what it means to be pro-life. This year at Warped Tour we have really seen the value of that position demonstrated in the stories we have collected from festival goers. Not only do we get to educate others and add members to the pro-life family but we get to create a legacy of life by knowing that the people who’s minds are changed are now working beside us promoting and educating others towards a pro-life view.

One example of these conversions is our friend Alissa. On Wednesday June 29th, Alyssa stopped by our tent at the Nashville stop of Vans Warped Tour. For those of you who don’t know, Vans Warped Tour is a mainstream, secular event that draws thousands of young people at every stop, sometimes over 10,000! They allow us to set up a tent to promote the Human Rights for All and Adoption Saves Lives message. Alissa met Bernard (one of our warped tour team members) and they tackled the question “when do human rights begin?” Alissa initially believed that human rights began once brain waves are detectable. After a discussion with our team Alyssa eventually changed her answer to when the baby starts forming, which is day 1!

We are having numerous conversations like this daily. It is amazing!

After changing her perspective she has committed to being a voice for pre-born children be influencing her peers. How awesome is that?

With all this in mind Rock for Life has a current need for team members who are looking to have these conversations and motivate others to be outspoken in there pro-life beliefs. This summer we’d like to add team members to both our warped tour team and our festival tour team. So if you are passionate about being pro-life and ready to take up a vital part in these stories contact us at and we will get you involved. Whether it’s just for one warped tour event or one summer festival, prayer, financial support, or even coming on to tour with us we’d love your help this summer!

For Life,
Caleb Worrell
RFL Programs Coordinator
Click here to view the full Vans Warped Tour schedule. Hope to see you there!