Senators Need to Hear from You NOW

Senators to vote this week on defunding Planned Parenthood. Contact your senators right now and publicly and proudly urge them to defund America’s biggest abortion corporation...

Oregon Passes Abortion “FREE FOR ALL”

This will enshrine the most radically pro-abortion regime of any state in the USA. Most people who consider themselves pro-choice on abortion are not radically pro-abortion, but some of the...

The baby is rapidly torn apart by the suction.

What Actually Happens During an Abortion

Planned Parenthood’s depictions of abortion are far from reality. Planned Parenthood would like for you to think an abortion is a routine medical operation. These aren’t efforts in...

How to Reverse the Abortion Pill

This therapy has a 60 to 70 percent success rate in reversing the effects of the abortion pill. U.S. medication abortions have been on the rise since 2000, when the Food and Drug...

Finding Better Ways to Rub out Children

Remember Deborah Nucatola? Planned Parenthood’s top doctor who explained how to crush a baby’s body in order to harvest more intact body parts? Nucatola co-authored a study in the...