Future of the LGBT Movement

The LGBT Movement Wants Alot MORE

Defeat “anti-LGBT” bills, change school policies and curriculum, amend the Civil Rights Act, (bring about) lawsuits, and new federal legislation. Big business is helping carry the water...

New TV series Born This Way

Removing the Fear of Downs Syndrome

The biggest factor that drives prejudice is fear, and fear is driven by not knowing. The great thing about ‘Born This Way‘ is now the world knows seven adults — and soon...

Missouri Republican Anne Zerr

NOM Vowed to End Her Political Career

“Anne Zerr betrayed her constituents and the people of Missouri when she sided with LGBT extremists to defeat SJR 39, which would have given voters the right to protect supporters of...

Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus

The week I left the Democratic Party

We pro-life citizens are an unwelcome group among the Dems. Like many pro-life Democrats, I had been dispirited by the inclusion in the 2016 Democratic Party Platform of the repeal of the...