Tag - Abortion

Finding Better Ways to Rub out Children

Remember Deborah Nucatola? Planned Parenthood’s top doctor who explained how to crush a baby’s body in order to harvest more intact body parts?

Nucatola co-authored a study in the current October 2016 issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Her study examined the most efficient way to kill unborn children in a late-term abortion.

When you watch the Center for Medical Progress videos, you’ll see Nucatola and others often discussing “didge,” or “didging;” the practice of using the drug Digoxin before an abortion. While invented to treat heart conditions, in massive doses Digoxin causes a heart attack. Those looking to buy and sell the body parts of aborted babies did not want a “didged” baby; they needed the baby’s organs as fresh and pure as possible for experimentation or implantation into rodents. Full Article

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of 1.0 mg intra-fetal or intra-amniotic digoxin to achieve fetal asystole before second-trimester surgical pregnancy termination.

CONCLUSION: Administration of intra-fetal injection of digoxin led to a higher proportion of participants achieving fetal asystole within 24 hours than intra-amniotic injection.

Trump’s Pro-life Landslide.

Trump's pro-life landslide.

They’ve been aborting 40% of Black babies for years. If all those Black babies were still around, it would have been a landslide for Hillary not Trump.

A state-by-state comparison of abortion data and the election results confirms that the division is in fact about abortion, and clearly the pro-life side is winning. It also gives a whole new meaning to the red state/blue state division between the two major political parties. Full Article

They say demographics is destiny, and the proof of that is in the devastating toll that abortion has taken among Black and Hispanic populations in and around our inner cities who traditionally vote 70% to 90% Democrat.  It is time to face the fact that the militant advocacy for abortion among leading Democrats – combined with genocidal targeting of Black and Hispanic communities by Planned Parenthood – has inevitably taken a huge demographic toll of these constituencies.

Basically, our analysis shows that Donald Trump won a landslide victory in pro-life leaning, low abortion states, while Hillary held big margins in liberal, pro-choice states. The big change is that the pro-life leaning states now have a commanding edge.

The average abortion rate in the states Hillary won is a staggering 92% higher than in the states Trump carried – 22.07 per 1,000 women of child-bearing age in her states compared to 11.5 per 1,000 in the states he carried. That’s a huge difference.

Trump carried 30 low abortion states with an average margin of 56.6% of the vote, while Clinton carried 20 high abortion states plus the District of Columbia with an average margin of 55.9%.

This confirms the dramatic split between predominantly pro-life Republican red states and abortion-tolerant Democrat blue states. It is also a powerful argument for reversing Roe v. Wade and sending the abortion issue back to the states.

Planned Parenthood tells President Trump “Take a Hike”

President Donald J Trump

Offering money to Planned Parenthood to abandon our patients and our values is not a deal that we will ever accept. “Polling shows the majority of Americans oppose public funding for abortion, even those who identify as pro-choice. There is an opportunity for organizations to continue the important work they do in support of women’s health, while not providing abortion services.” Full Article

“Today, Planned Parenthood dropped the mask and showed how extreme their abortion business really is,” the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the organization that exposed Planned Parenthood organ harvesting, said in a statement. Its abortion program “is the largest the country but…they claim is ‘only 3%’ of their business. When asked to choose between full-spectrum, mainstream healthcare for women and families, or late-term abortions and selling baby body parts, Planned Parenthood chose the latter.” Full Article

The marketing of Planned Parenthood as a magnanimous and comprehensive health care provider for untold scores of women who will otherwise never see a real doctor and thus die of cancer … it’s all a lie. Women have thousands of other options – and far better ones.

The mission of Planned Parenthood is not cancer screenings. It’s abortion. If tomorrow Planned Parenthood could no longer commit abortions, they would close their doors. It’s that simple. The organization exists for the purpose of profiting from abortions. And at least now Cecile is finally admitting it. She wants that half a billion in taxpayer dollars, all right, but to keep it she’s not about to melt down Planned Parenthood’s golden calf. Its mission is abortion. Full Article

Election 2016 – Life on the Line

Trump vs Clinton Life on the LIne

Clinton Presidency Would Be Terrible for the Anti-Abortion Rights Movement!

Hillary Clinton’s unwavering commitment to advancing taxpayer-funded abortion on-demand stands in stark contrast to the commitments I’ve made to advance the rights of unborn children and their mothers when elected president.  Trump letter to Pro-Life leaders

Your help is crucial to make this contrast clear in the minds of pro-life voters, especially those in battle ground states.Together we can form this vital coalition so that Mike Pence and I can be advocates for the unborn and their mothers everyday we are in the White House. Compare Trump vs Clinton on life

Hillary Clinton, a strong supporter of abortion rights who would appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices, and Trump, says he is committed to appointing conservative justices.

Is America Heading for a Demographic Winter?

Our total fertility rate has dropped below 2.1 children per woman, and our country’s population will begin to shrink. So what’s the big deal? Well, only economic catastrophe. Full article at Lifesitenews.com

Once fertility rates drop below a certain level, as they have in places like Japan, a kind of demographic snowball effect makes raising them almost impossible. The demographic winter is coming. In fact, the first snows have already fallen. Will we make what is already  “disaster” even worse?

Abortion is Destroying the World: Fewer Births, Older Population Fuel Global Economic Crisis

Fertility decline and demographic aging are major factors in the languishing global economy, say experts whose findings were reported in a week of front-page stories in The Wall Street Journal. “Experts have struggled to understand why the global economy still languishes years after the 2008 global economic crisis,” said Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D., of C-Fam. “They are now willing to say that demographic decline is a major cause.” “The experts have found that in a globalized economy, one nation’s demographics affects the rest of the world,” said Yoshihara, co-editor of Population Decline and the Remaking of Great Power Politics.

And is there another factor to this looming demographic larges? Can American Economy Survive the Abortion Bomb!!

Browder: I Lied to Young Woman about Sex to Sell Magazines

Confessions of a Former ‘Cosmo Girl’ Sue Ellen Browder

I made up stories designed to soft-sell unmarried sex, sexual freedom, sex with married men, contraception, and abortion as the young single woman’s path to personal fulfillment. While I was at Cosmopolitan magazine, “I told a lot of lies in that magazine,” and “we were making up fantasies of women that were jumping into bed”. Supporting Articles – Articles.latimes.com – NationalCatholicregister.comThefederalist.com

Some women’s magazines change quotes, fabricate quotes, invent people and make wild extrapolations in stories about sex and relationships. (“massaging quotes,” as it is called in magazine parlance). The approach is to come up with words on a magazine cover that reader research shows will sell the magazines.

Well, the “Cosmo girl” is a persona. She was a deception from the beginning. In the beginning there was no “Cosmo girl”. It was just a fantasy that Helen Gurley Brown had made up as a marketing fantasy.

In (Subverted, How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement), Sue Ellen Browder documents for the first time how it all happened, in her own life and in the life of an entire country. Trained at the University of Missouri School of Journalism to be an investigative journalist, Browder unwittingly betrayed her true calling and became a propagandist for sexual liberation. As a long-time freelance writer for Cosmopolitan magazine, she wrote pieces meant to soft-sell unmarried sex, contraception, and abortion as the single woman’s path to personal fulfillment. She did not realize until much later that propagandists higher and cleverer than herself were influencing her thinking and her personal choices as they subverted the women’s movement. Video interview with Sue Ellen Browder

Libertarian Gary Johnson Won’t Protect Preborn Babies

Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson

He doesn’t particularly seem to care that babies’ liberty has eroded to the point where they can be legally killed for any reason before even leaving the womb. Full article at Lifesitenews.com

Libertarian presidential nominee and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson rails against the “steady erosion” of “personal freedom in this country,” “a nation that was literally founded on the notion of liberty.” But as Live Action’s Adam Peters details, he doesn’t particularly seem to care that babies’ liberty has eroded to the point where they can be legally killed for any reason before even leaving the womb.

This week, the Washington Examiner’s Timothy Carney interviewed Johnson at the Democrat National Convention. Johnson shared his views on abortion and said he wouldn’t protect pro-life Americans’ conscience rights.

Oakland & Los Angeles Threaten Pro Life Pregnancy Centers

Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer

Two of the most crime-ridden places in the state of California, threaten legal action against pro-life pregnancy help organizations if they fail to comply with a new state regulation “Reproductive FACT Act”. Full Article at Pregnancy Help News

This new regulation “Reproductive FACT Act” requires nonprofit pregnancy help centers to advertise the availability of government abortion services by posting a public notice: “California has public programs that provide immediate free or low-cost access to comprehensive family planning services (including all FDA-approved methods of contraception), prenatal care, and abortion for eligible women. To determine whether you qualify, contact the county social services office at [insert the telephone number].”

The so-called “Reproductive FACT Act” was challenged in court with a lawsuit June 14 that pitted the state against counsel representing locally based pregnancy help organizations and their representatives from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), Pacific Justice Institute and American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).

“The First Amendment protects all Americans, including pro-life people, from being targeted by a government conspiring with pro-abortion activists,” Matt Bowman, Senior Counsel for ADF, said. “The state has no legal right to force others to communicate messages or promote ideas they disagree with, especially on life-and-death issues like abortion. A government that does that threatens everyone’s freedom of speech.

“Hush” Tells the Truth How Abortion Hurts Women

HUSH is a documentary film that uncovers an array of important women’s health information that has been either hidden by fears of political correctness, or completely covered up by political agenda.

video-hush4Did you know that having a child, and especially having a child under 20 years old is significantly more protective against breast cancer for women compared to having a child over 30, or not having a child at all? No doctor or scientist anywhere will argue this with you. It’s true, it’s established. But most of them won’t communicate this information with you. Why? Because they don’t want to ‘tell women what to do’. They’re scared of stepping on the toes of feminist progress. Makes sense. But shouldn’t women at least know this information so they can make informed choices for their life? Shouldn’t we all know this? View the Hush Trailer

Hush, which seems to me an objective overview of the situation, should be seen by pro-choice women, pro-life women and women who are simply concerned about themselves or their daughters achieving their reproductive goals with optimal chances for long-term health. That is to say, by pretty well all women.

Canadian filmmaker Punam Kumar Gill, who identifies as pro-choice, said she wanted to find out the truth about abortion risks and whether they are real, as pro-lifers say, or overblown, as abortion activists claim. LifeNews.com