Tag - Anne Zerr

NOM Vowed to End Her Political Career

Missouri Republican Anne Zerr

“Anne Zerr betrayed her constituents and the people of Missouri when she sided with LGBT extremists to defeat SJR 39, which would have given voters the right to protect supporters of marriage from discrimination by governmental entities,” said Brian Brown, NOM president. National Organization for Marriage Press Release

NOM delivered last night when Zerr was defeated in the GOP primary for state Senate. Zerr joins a long list of Republicans who have ended their political careers by voting against the interests of people who support marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

“When four Republican Senators in New York voted for gay ‘marriage,’ we ended their careers,” Brown said. “When Republican candidates for US Senate in New Hampshire, California and Oregon came out in favor of redefining marriage, we defeated them and ended their careers. When Supreme Court judges redefined marriage in Iowa, we removed them from office. When GOP candidates for Congress in California and Massachusetts endorsed gay ‘marriage’ we defeated them. And now we have defeated Anne Zerr over her vote to subject supporters of marriage to punitive governmental actions simply for not wanting to be involved in gay ‘marriage.’ We urge Republican officials in Missouri and elsewhere to pay attention to this pattern. If you vote with LGBT activists against those who support marriage, you do so at the risk of your political career.”