Tag - anthony kennedy

Could Supreme Court Become Pro-Life?

The man who so often determines the outcome of the most controversial Supreme Court cases.

Pro-Abortion Justice Anthony Kennedy Will Reportedly Retire This Summer, Replacement Could Overturn Roe.

Trump promised to nominate “pro-life” justices to the high court, and Kennedy’s retirement could mean a pro-life justice would fill his spot and swing the court toward life-affirming decisions.

The man who so often determines the outcome of the most controversial Supreme Court cases.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, the greatest judicial champion of gay rights in the nation’s history.

Abortion advocates understand the monumental consequences of what is at stake. People for the American Way, described Kennedy’s possible retirement under Trump as a “disaster for the rights of all Americans.” Full Article

Sen. Dean Heller, R-NV, who has drawn the ire of pro-lifers and pro-abortion advocates for seemingly flip-flopping on life issues, predicts anti-life-and-family Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy will retire this summer. “Kennedy is going to retire around sometime early summer,” he said. “I’m hoping [that] will get our base a little motivated because right now they’re not very motivated. But I think a new Supreme Court justice will get them motivated.” Full Article

Justice Kennedy has long held the decisive vote in many of the Supreme Court’s most contested and consequential cases, and his retirement would give President Trump the opportunity to move the court sharply to the right. If Justice Kennedy steps down, the confirmation fight over his successor will be titanic. Full Article