Tag - Associated Internet Media

Merry Christmas from “The Calendar for Life”

Let our Christmas joy be the joy of welcoming every human life! Amen!

Merry Christmas from “The Calendar for Life.”

Let our Christmas joy be the joy of welcoming every human life! Amen!

You, O Lord, made the journey of the unborn child. By being an embryo, a fetus, and a newborn, you joined all unborn and newborn children to you!

May Pro-Life values reach all people of good will this Christmas season. May these Pro-Life values effect for betterment to improve the health of every man, woman and child in this great nation !

May Pro-Life values reach all people of good will this Christmas season. Because our culture can not turn away from the faces of innocent unborn children, who cry out for help, who are without guilt, who have no voice, as their lives are sacrificed.

“The Calendar for Life” is solely focused on helping build a better more humane society. It does this by gathering, preparing and distributing Pro-Life events and activities from individuals, and organizations. “The Calendar for Life” highlights websites, social media sites, and your Pro-Life work, using the power of the Internet as a vehicle to presents this to many thousands.

Meet the “The Calendar for Life” at the calendarforlife.org @ the prolifeeventsfinder.com @ the forLifecalifornians.org @ the marchforlifeeventsfinder.com @ the prolifeeventsfinder.blogspot.com @ the calendarforlife.org/blog @ the Facebook/calendarforlife

What Actually Happens During an Abortion

The baby is rapidly torn apart by the suction.

Planned Parenthood’s depictions of abortion are far from reality.

Planned Parenthood would like for you to think an abortion is a routine medical operation. These aren’t efforts in accordance with a desire to be medically accurate. Full Article

Abortions are gruesome procedures. In a Live Action video that points out the Planned Parenthood video’s inaccuracies, former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino who himself committed over 1,200 abortions details what actually happens during an abortion. Watch Video

The baby has a heartbeat, fingers, toes, arms, and legs, but its bones are still weak and fragile. The suction is then turned on, with a force ten to twenty times more powerful than your household vacuum cleaner. The baby is rapidly torn apart by the suction, and squeezed through this tubing down into the suction machine, followed by the placenta. The abortionist uses a curette to scrape the lining of the uterus. A curette is basically a long-handled, curved blade. Once the uterus is empty, the speculum is removed and the abortion is complete.