Tag - Beautiful Gift

Mother Teresa Declared a Saint by Pope Francis

She skillfully exploited her celebrity status to propel the pro-life cause internationally like no one else before her or since.

The four feet tall Albanian nun was never afraid to speak truth to power, even when it made the powerful of the world feel uncomfortable, and she never pandered to curry their favor. Draped in her iconic white sari, she traveled the globe condemning abortion even when doing so was inconvenient and unwelcome. Full article Lifesitenews.com

“The child is the most beautiful gift of God to a family, to a nation. Let us never refuse this gift of God. My prayer for each one of you is that you may always have the faith to see and love God in each person including the unborn. God bless you.” Listen to her Speak Live

The Amazing Life of Mother Teresa, In One Beautiful Infographic 

How India views the soon-to-be-saint who dedicated her life to its people.