Tag - California

Having Control at the End of My Life

compassion and choices to suicide nation

The old Hemlock Society USA renamed “Compassion and Choices” has gained surprising vigor with recent approval of assisted suicide in California, Colorado, and District of Columbia.

The D.C. Council on Tuesday gave final approval to legislation that would allow physicians to prescribe fatal drugs to terminally ill residents in the city, making the District the seventh jurisdiction nationwide to allow the practice.  “The fact that we have now gotten three states with diverse populations across the country, from the West Coast to the Midwest to the East Coast, is a huge sign of momentum and support for the issue across political, racial and demographic grounds,” said Sean Crowley, a Compassion and Choices spokesman. Full Article

Critics say the notion of doctors hastening death for terminally ill patients runs counter to religious teachings about the sanctity of life. “I watch hundreds of people come and go at the oncologist’s office,” said Wandix, who has undergone chemotherapy. “They are not trying to give up. They want to live. We believe in God. That’s not even a question. I’m fighting for my life, and my God is going to show me how.” Full Article

What seriously ill – and often depressed — patients need is authentic support, including doctors fully committed to their welfare and pain management as they enter their final days. Patients need our assurance that they are not a burden — that it is a privilege to care for them as we ourselves hope to be cared for one day. A compassionate society devotes more attention, not less, to members facing the most vulnerable times in their lives. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities

Doctor Directed Death is the Cheaper Option

Death is the cheaper option

Her insurance would, however, cover end-of-life drugs for just $1.20.

When assisted suicide legislation was officially passed in California in 2016, Packer experienced the ultimate slap in the face: her insurance company denied the coverage of critical chemotherapy treatment that her doctors recommended for her condition. Living with a terminal illness in Orange, California, her goal is “to do everything I can to have one more second with my kids.” Full Story

“It was like someone had just hit me in the gut,” said Packer, who shared her story in the new documentary, Compassion and Choice Denied. Produced by the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, the documentary details Packer’s experience of living with a terminal illness in an age where assisted suicide is cheaper than the fight for life.

Particularly concerning: the insurance company had initially suggested that they would cover the chemotherapy drugs. It was one week after assisted suicide was legalized that they sent Packer a letter saying they were denying coverage. Despite multiple appeals, they continued to refuse. “As soon as this law was passed, patients fighting for a longer life end up getting denied treatment, because this will always be the cheapest option… it’s hard to financially fight,” Packer said in the documentary.

When California’s aid-in-dying law takes effect this June, terminally ill patients who decide to end their lives could be faced with a hefty bill for the lethal medication. It retails for more than $3,000. Full Story

Oakland & Los Angeles Threaten Pro Life Pregnancy Centers

Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer

Two of the most crime-ridden places in the state of California, threaten legal action against pro-life pregnancy help organizations if they fail to comply with a new state regulation “Reproductive FACT Act”. Full Article at Pregnancy Help News

This new regulation “Reproductive FACT Act” requires nonprofit pregnancy help centers to advertise the availability of government abortion services by posting a public notice: “California has public programs that provide immediate free or low-cost access to comprehensive family planning services (including all FDA-approved methods of contraception), prenatal care, and abortion for eligible women. To determine whether you qualify, contact the county social services office at [insert the telephone number].”

The so-called “Reproductive FACT Act” was challenged in court with a lawsuit June 14 that pitted the state against counsel representing locally based pregnancy help organizations and their representatives from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), Pacific Justice Institute and American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).

“The First Amendment protects all Americans, including pro-life people, from being targeted by a government conspiring with pro-abortion activists,” Matt Bowman, Senior Counsel for ADF, said. “The state has no legal right to force others to communicate messages or promote ideas they disagree with, especially on life-and-death issues like abortion. A government that does that threatens everyone’s freedom of speech.

House Passed Law to Protect Against State Mandated Abortion

All Republicans voting for the Conscience Protection Act and virtually all Democrats against–was 245-182. This just shows how radically anti-life the Democratic Party has become. nationalrighttolifenews.org

“State agencies in California and New York are mandating insurance coverage of abortion, and the Obama Administration recently made it clear that it will not enforce federal laws that prohibit such mandates,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “The Conscience Protection Act will allow direct access to the federal courts for the victims of coercive pro-abortion government policies.”

The Obama Administration’s refusal to enforce the civil right of conscience is not only unfair and unjustified—it grossly violates the rule of law. It makes a mockery of President Obama’s 2009 Notre Dame speech in which he said ‘Let’s honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion.’ But he has not.

In an unconscionable abuse of power, for almost two years the state of California has forced all insurance plans under its purview—and the people and institutions that pay the premiums—to subsidize abortion on demand.

The Weldon federal conscience law authored by Congressman Dave Weldon of Florida and continuously in effect for over a decade—makes it explicit and comprehensively clear that California’s action is illegal.

Enforcement however is vested in the HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and that’s the Achilles heel that needs to be fixed —and will be fixed by the Conscience Protection Act.”