Tag - Churches

California Senators Say Faith Communities Need to Evolve

This bill attacks the freedom of Christians,

“The faith community, like anyone else, needs to evolve with the times. The science is clear.  Gays “Must Stay Gay”

California legislators are making it clear. “Christians stay out of the same-sex attractions or gender identity confusion business”. Christian pastors and Christian counselors stay away and stay out.

This bill attacks the freedom of Christians,

elected leaders told churches and those with biblical beliefs about gender and sexual orientation that advocating for their views could get them sued.

AB 2943 is the radical bill from Assemblymember Evan Low and the LGBT Legislative Caucus. With last week’s Senate vote, (watch debate) elected leaders told churches and those with biblical beliefs about gender and sexual orientation that advocating for their views could get them sued.

This bill attacks the freedom of Christians, like those pictured above, to find the services and resources from counselors, schools, and faith-based organizations that help them live out their biblical convictions regarding sexual behavior and gender identity. Shouldn’t these people have the freedom to find true joy by embracing and living out their faith without government persecution? Read their testimonies of joy and change at oncegay.com.

The implications of AB 2943 are staggering. Legal experts confirm that by targeting financial transactions, AB 2943 threatens religious non-profits, churches, and pastors who provide paid resources to help people practice their faith.

Religious Freedom Week June 22 – 29 2018

Religious Freedom Week

Religious freedom is one of the basic freedoms of the human person because without religious freedom, the freedom of conscience, all other freedoms are without foundation.

Freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits laws establishing a national religion or impeding the free exercise of religion for its citizens.

The Founding Fathers recognized that all people have inalienable rights that flow from the Creator. These rights are grounded in the unique, Judeo-Christian concept of man’s inherent dignity as a creature made in God’s image, endowed with reason, free will, and an eternal soul.

Religious Freedom Week

The annual Fortnight for Freedom will consist of national and local efforts to educate Americans on challenges to religious liberty both at home and abroad.

Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right that protects the conscience of all people. It allows us to think, express and act upon what we deeply believe. But around the world, and in the United States, this freedom is eroding. Churches, religious organizations and individuals face increasing restrictions as they participate in the public square, express their beliefs or serve in society.

“A government that doesn’t acknowledge limits on its own power to regulate religious institutions is probably going to come after other institutions as well,” said Professor Rick Garnett of the Notre Dame Law School.

“When religious freedom goes away, and there is no transcendent authority, then the law is the only norm, and the people in power now are always the only power,” says Professor Helen Alvare of George Mason University Law School.

“The United States is the greatest country in the history of the world precisely because of the exceptional character of its relationship to faith which permeates every dimension of its evolution,” says Eugene Rivers II, an activist and Pentecostal pastor.