Tag - Indifference

Abortion Shows We are Not a Christian Nation or a Moral People

The faithless blasphemy of legislating the circumstances, criteria, and compromises under which the brutal murder of our littlest neighbors may be committed.

We see that abortion is not a moral dilemma, political issue, or philosophical debate—it is the evil of our age.  It is our national sin.  And God will not bless a nation that destroys its children.

In the United States, a child is murdered by his own parents on average twice per minute, every minute of every day.  These murders are freely committed under the covering of “law in a nation that boasts millions upon millions of professing Christians and “enlightened” progressives who claim to be champions of “human rights.” Full Article

Even those who claim to be opposed to the legalized slaughter of pre-born children have by and large taken no meaningful or adequate action against it.  While there are many so-

The faithless blasphemy of legislating the circumstances, criteria, and compromises under which the brutal murder of our littlest neighbors may be committed.

The pro-life movement as a whole has not sought abortions abolition

called “pro-lifers” who desire to see abortion abolished, the pro-life movement as a whole has not sought its abolition, but rather has spent the last forty-four years attempting to regulate legalized child sacrifice within the accepted paradigm “choice.”

We have begun to feel the crushing weight of our culture’s compromising indifference and the neglect of justice and mercy which has allowed the mass murder of children to continue unchecked in our communities, down the street from our churches. In the midst of an ongoing holocaust, we have come to see the pathetic inadequacy of defunding Planned Parenthood—the ludicrous wickedness of calling for “safer” clinics with wider hallways and ambulatory services—and the faithless blasphemy of legislating the circumstances, criteria, and compromises under which the brutal murder of our littlest neighbors may be committed.

We see that abortion is not a moral dilemma, political issue, or philosophical debate—it is the evil of our age.  It is our national sin.  And God will not bless a nation that destroys its children.

Indifference the most Deadly Poison of our Times.

Where does our broken world need Jesus and Mary the most? The answer is in the abortion industry.

Indifference, is at the heart of human suffering. It’s a lack of concern or a refusal to act in the face of injustice. Full Article

Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel prize-winning peace activist, wrote that “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness,

Where does our broken world need Jesus and Mary the most? The answer is in the abortion industry.

He was a true “apostle of the mass media.” To better “win the world for the Immaculata,” the friars utilized the most modern printing and administrative techniques.

it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”

Indifference, a lack of concern or a refusal to act in the face of injustice, is at the heart of human suffering. With this in mind, St. Maximilian Kolbe (who was executed by the Nazis on August 14, 1941, after offering his own life to save another condemned prisoner) described indifference as “the most deadly poison of our times.”

In most cases our indifference is born of comfort or complacency and a sense that “I shouldn’t get involved” or “it isn’t my business.” Sadly, we can all-too-easily recognize how these attitudes allow injustice, abuse, and neglect to continue and increase in too many places in the world today.

However tempting it might be to pretend otherwise, there are things worth living for, suffering for and even dying for. This is why the question of Cuban poet José Marti — “When others are weeping blood, what right do I have to weep tears?” — calls us to an even more essential question: “What is the value of a life that is lived without anything worth dying for?”