Tag - International Planned Parenthood Federation

What Will You Say When Your Grandchildren Ask You What You Did About Abortion?

The Medical Ethics of the Holocaust

I personally can’t imagine what it must have been like for anyone involved in the Holocaust but it certainly makes me think of the times we live in, right now. My mom told me once that she thinks about what her grandchildren and great grandchildren will say, when looking back on our times.

They’ll likely ask what we did about the Abortion and Euthanasia Holocausts we are living through right now. What are we going to say? I went to a couple of Life Chains? I wrote a letter to my politician? In one sense Oskar Groening was just doing what he was told to do! How many doctors, nurses and medical personnel are doing just that – taking the lives of the innocent and vulnerable because it’s been requested by an

The Medical Ethics of the Holocaust

How did Hitler get millions of people to follow along blindly and not fight back? Now our fellow Americans are taking the same path.

individual or mandated by the state? And how many of us just stand by and let it happen? Is it enough for us to be pro-life, pro-family, anti-culture-of-death, but go about our daily business as if nothing is going on? www.serviamministries.com Sarah Gould FULL ARTICLE

I’m not writing this to make you feel guilty, nor to encourage you to run out and do crazy things in the name of the Pro-Life Movement. I am encouraging you to look at your own life and ask yourself how God might be asking you to defend life.

We aren’t all called to do sidewalk counseling (I believe I would be a blubbering mass of tears, begging those women not to enter those clinics) or pro-life activism in the literal sense.

But God calls everyone to support and defend life at one point or another through their own gifts; to write letters to politicians, to financially support those who are fighting for life, to have children, to encourage and support those struggling with their own children or aging parents, to be jailed for the defense of life like Mary Wagner, or even to give their own lives for their children, as St. Gianna Beretta Molla did (her feast day was yesterday). www.bbc.com – SUPPORTING ARTICLE

Planned Parenthood tells President Trump “Take a Hike”

President Donald J Trump

Offering money to Planned Parenthood to abandon our patients and our values is not a deal that we will ever accept. “Polling shows the majority of Americans oppose public funding for abortion, even those who identify as pro-choice. There is an opportunity for organizations to continue the important work they do in support of women’s health, while not providing abortion services.” Full Article

“Today, Planned Parenthood dropped the mask and showed how extreme their abortion business really is,” the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the organization that exposed Planned Parenthood organ harvesting, said in a statement. Its abortion program “is the largest the country but…they claim is ‘only 3%’ of their business. When asked to choose between full-spectrum, mainstream healthcare for women and families, or late-term abortions and selling baby body parts, Planned Parenthood chose the latter.” Full Article

The marketing of Planned Parenthood as a magnanimous and comprehensive health care provider for untold scores of women who will otherwise never see a real doctor and thus die of cancer … it’s all a lie. Women have thousands of other options – and far better ones.

The mission of Planned Parenthood is not cancer screenings. It’s abortion. If tomorrow Planned Parenthood could no longer commit abortions, they would close their doors. It’s that simple. The organization exists for the purpose of profiting from abortions. And at least now Cecile is finally admitting it. She wants that half a billion in taxpayer dollars, all right, but to keep it she’s not about to melt down Planned Parenthood’s golden calf. Its mission is abortion. Full Article

2015 Report Gloats Over New Abortion Numbers!

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Its affiliates ended the lives of nearly one million unborn children in 2015. In all 964,325, unborn children were terminated by chemical and surgical abortion by IPPF just last year alone.

demographic-winter2-355xA million of anything is a staggering number. But the loss of nearly a million children by surgical or chemical abortion is a tragedy beyond reckoning. Full Story pop.org

IPPF claims to have provided 16.8 million abortion-related services over the past five years, some 4.3 million [1] in 2015 alone. IPPF strives to be “a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights” by which they mean to promote abortion “rights”, graphic sex education “rights”, and contraception around the globe.

IPPF is active in 168 countries through its Member Associations and other groups. While Member Associations are independent organizations in and of themselves to one extent or another, they receive guidance and funding from IPPF.