Tag - Love Life Jesus

“Why Children Matter” Common Sense and Childrearing

Time-tested wisdom and common-sense approach to childrearing that is grounded in faith.

In an age when common sense too often gives way to the opinions of “experts”, Johann Christoph Arnold offers an approach to childrearing that is grounded in faith. This short book offers concrete steps to encourage parents who want to pass on to their children the values their parents gave them. Review the book

Raising a child has never been more challenging.

Raising a child has never been more challenging.

People have come to expect sound advice from Johann Christoph Arnold, an award-winning author with over two million copies of his twelve books in print in more than twenty languages. A noted speaker and writer on marriage, parenting, and end-of-life issues, Arnold is a senior pastor of the Bruderhof, a movement of Christian communities.

Raising a child has never been more challenging. In his latest book, pastor Johann Christoph Arnold offers time-tested wisdom and common-sense advice on what children need most, what holds a family together, and how to rediscover the joy of parenting.

With chapters on founding a family, the unborn child, birth, motherhood, fatherhood, teaching respect, building character, discipline, the role of grandparents, the special child, consideration for others, teenagers and more, Why Children Matter is a timely handbook for every parent and anyone who cares about children.

House Passed Law to Protect Against State Mandated Abortion

All Republicans voting for the Conscience Protection Act and virtually all Democrats against–was 245-182. This just shows how radically anti-life the Democratic Party has become. nationalrighttolifenews.org

“State agencies in California and New York are mandating insurance coverage of abortion, and the Obama Administration recently made it clear that it will not enforce federal laws that prohibit such mandates,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “The Conscience Protection Act will allow direct access to the federal courts for the victims of coercive pro-abortion government policies.”

The Obama Administration’s refusal to enforce the civil right of conscience is not only unfair and unjustified—it grossly violates the rule of law. It makes a mockery of President Obama’s 2009 Notre Dame speech in which he said ‘Let’s honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion.’ But he has not.

In an unconscionable abuse of power, for almost two years the state of California has forced all insurance plans under its purview—and the people and institutions that pay the premiums—to subsidize abortion on demand.

The Weldon federal conscience law authored by Congressman Dave Weldon of Florida and continuously in effect for over a decade—makes it explicit and comprehensively clear that California’s action is illegal.

Enforcement however is vested in the HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and that’s the Achilles heel that needs to be fixed —and will be fixed by the Conscience Protection Act.”

You are Trying to Impose your Beliefs on Others!!

A lot of hot-button topics are being debated in our state legislatures these days, topics of great ethical and bioethical importance, ranging from emergency contraception to gay marriage.

These debates address important issues for the future of our society.  Lawmakers face the daunting task of making decisions about what should or should not be permitted by law within a reasonable society. catholiceducation.org

Father Pacholczyk, Ph.D., serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center

Father Pacholczyk, Ph.D., serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center

Recently I was asked to speak in Virginia at legislative hearings about embryonic stem cell research.  After I gave my testimony, one of the senators asked a pointed question.  “Father Tad, by arguing against embryonic stem cell research, don’t you see how you are trying to impose your beliefs on others, and shouldn’t we as elected lawmakers avoid imposing a narrow religious view on the rest of society?” The senator’s question was an example of the fuzzy thinking that has become commonplace in recent years within many state legislatures and among many lawmakers.

First, the senator failed to recognize the fact that law is fundamentally about imposing somebody’s views on somebody else.  Imposition is the name of the game.  It is the very nature of law to impose particular views on people who don’t want to have those views imposed on them.

The second logical mistake the senator made was to suppose that because religion happens to hold a particular viewpoint, that implies that such a viewpoint should never be considered by lawmakers or enacted into law.  Religion teaches very clearly that stealing is immoral.  Would it follow that if I support laws against stealing, I am imposing my narrow religious viewpoint on society?  Clearly not.

So anytime we come across a lawmaker who tries to suggest that an argument in defense of sound morals is nothing but imposing a religious viewpoint, we need to look deeper at what may really be taking place.  That lawmaker may not be so concerned about avoiding the imposition of a particular view on others more likely, they are jockeying to simply be able to impose their view, a view which is ultimately much less tenable and defensible in terms of sound moral thinking.  Hence they seek to short-circuit the discussion by stressing religious zealotry and imposition without ever confronting the substantive ethical or bioethical argument itself.  Once the religious imposition card is played, and Christian lawmakers suddenly become weak-kneed about defending human life and sound morals, the other side then feels free to do the imposing themselves, without having expended too much effort on confronting the essence of the moral debate itself.

The Remarkable Bond between Mother and Baby!

Stem cells from fetus can repair the mother’s injured heart and male baby’s DNA can protect mothers brain from Alzheimer’s disease ..that’s really a remarkable bond..

video-fb2-570xA mother loves her child even before it is born. A mother carries her child always at heart and not just nine months, but for a lifetime. Liveactionnews.org

WOW !!!!!!!!!! You might also be interested in the book “The Hidden Life of the Unborn Child”, one of the most significant books that I’ve read on the subject of unborn children.

Amazing, especially the part about different biological recipes in the breast milk according to sex of the baby.

Beautiful! Evidence of the wisdom of our Creator and the fact that babies are conscious beings before birth.

Makes me want to cry to see such bond and thoughtfulness from our creator. The mom protects her baby and the baby ensure that the mom survive, amazing. I guess that feeling of protection is real when you conceive.