Tag - Preborn children

The Abortion Industries War against Women and Motherhood.

[Women are now being sold the lie that their empowerment comes through the destruction of another.]

Although abortion advocates claim they serve the interests of women, Planned Parenthood profits from the manipulation, coercion, and abuse of mothers and young girls, and advocates for the very violence that keeps them powerless.

While women, for decades, have overcome incredible odds, defied challenges, and rose above oppressive societal structures, they are now being sold the lie that their empowerment comes through the destruction of another. Full article at Liveactionnews.org

Instead of empowering women to achieve against all odds — the very heartbeat of feminism — the abortion lobby has made mothers the enemies of their own children.

It is only through upholding the dignity of women and preborn children that the human rights of both can be protected. Societies ought to celebrate and cherish motherhood, and welcome her child with open arms.