Tag - Priests for LIfe

National Day of Remembrance for Unborn Children September 14

Legalized abortion in America over the several decades is surely our country’s greatest tragedy.

Calling on pro-life Americans to honor the gravesites of our aborted brothers and sisters. On Saturday, September 14, 2019, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life and the Pro-Life Action League will co-sponsor the annual National Day of Remembrance for Unborn Children.

Annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

Annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

When people become truly aware of the reality of abortion, they can more easily cut through the lies by which some try to justify it, and the natural apathy to which human nature is inclined. Even pro-life people are thrust into a higher level of commitment and activism. abortionmemorials.com

I don’t have any relatives or friends interred at this cemetery, but it does contain one rather unique gravesite that I’ve visited on a number of occasions over the past few years: namely, the final resting place of 2,033 babies killed by abortion, who were laid to rest by Cardinal Joseph Bernardin in 1988.

I encourage you to participate at your local memorial service, many of which will be held at the gravesites or designated memorial sites of aborted victims. When we gather in His name, our intercessory prayer honors the innocent victims – the living and the dead – in an effort to help us as a nation heal, forgive, and bring this devastation to an end.

Legalized abortion in America over the several decades is surely our country’s greatest tragedy. In the Sermon on the Mount, Our Lord brings us renewed hope from our mourning and weeping in this vale of tears: “Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”  Day of Remembrance Locations

Tens of thousands of these children have been retrieved and buried at gravesites across our country. The stories of how they were killed, how they were found, and how they were buried, along with the pictures and videos that document those events, are powerful tools to awaken the consciences of our fellow citizens.

National Night of Prayer for Life Dec 8.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico’s patron saint, is located in Mexico City.

The Annual National Night of Prayer for Life is a pro-life prayer service uniting the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the Feast of St. Juan Diego.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Pray for Us

Our Lady of Guadalupe Pray for Us

The National Night of Prayer for Life is a pro-life prayer service consisting of exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 20 decades of the Rosary, prayer to St. Michael, silent prayer and hymns. Calendarforlife.org

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, is urging all parish priests and pro-life leaders to join in this vital effort. “Prayer is the cornerstone of the pro-life movement,” Father Pavone said. “And parishes should be the hub of activity. Combine the two and you have a great formula for victory.”

For more information and to download prayers, instructions and flyers go to National Night of Prayer

Additional prayer resources from Priests for Life are found here: www.priestsforlife.org/prayers

Priest for Life Says “Compare Party Platforms”.

Father Frank Pavone Priests for LIfe

Many vote for candidates because of loyalty to a party, without examining the party platform. Our moral duty requires us to look deeper, and our comparison of the Democratic and Republican platforms will help voters do exactly that. Full article at Lifesitenews.com

Priests for Life released a side-by-side comparison of the Republican and Democratic party platforms that shows stark differences when it comes to the rights of the unborn, religious liberty, marriage and the family and respect for the U.S. Constitution. The guide is legally qualified to be distributed in Churches.

“We talk about voting with a clear conscience, which means you can’t vote against your values,” said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “But to vote with a clear conscience, one must consider that elections not only put individual candidates into power; they put political parties into power