Tag - Pro-Life

She was Pro Life and Nominated for President.

40 Years Ago this week, Democrat Ellen McCormack, pro-life columnist, wife and mother, made Pro Life history by being nominated for president at the Democratic National Convention back when the Democratic Party was Pro-Life.

Ellen McCormack: Pro-Life's Presidential Candidate of 1976

Ellen McCormack: Pro-Life’s Presidential Candidate of 1976

Ellen McCormack ran for president at the behest of a small pro-life group—The Pro-Life Action Committee—that operated out the Cure of Ars Parish in Merrick, New York. The goal was to use the campaign as a platform to educate the public on pro-life issues by taking advantage of election rules which required the media to give all candidates equal time. Relying on thousands of grassroots pro-lifers across the country, she managed to raise $5000 in small contributions in 20 states, becoming the first woman in American history to qualify for matching funds. Her campaign was not without some controversy. Her single-issue candidacy annoyed political elites so much that they voted a change in funding rules in the middle of the election. As of May 1976, any candidate who did not gain more than 10% in two successive primaries would no longer be eligible for public money. Nevertheless, she had managed to raised $280 00 in small donations, received $240 000 from matching funds for a grand total of half a million dollars, of which $330 000 paid for television advertising. bigbluewave.ca

This past Sunday, (March 2011) longtime pro-life activist Ellen McCormack passed away. Since the pro-life movement often devotes little attention to its own history, her name may be unfamiliar to many young pro-lifers. nationalreview.com

“Hush” Tells the Truth How Abortion Hurts Women

HUSH is a documentary film that uncovers an array of important women’s health information that has been either hidden by fears of political correctness, or completely covered up by political agenda.

video-hush4Did you know that having a child, and especially having a child under 20 years old is significantly more protective against breast cancer for women compared to having a child over 30, or not having a child at all? No doctor or scientist anywhere will argue this with you. It’s true, it’s established. But most of them won’t communicate this information with you. Why? Because they don’t want to ‘tell women what to do’. They’re scared of stepping on the toes of feminist progress. Makes sense. But shouldn’t women at least know this information so they can make informed choices for their life? Shouldn’t we all know this? View the Hush Trailer

Hush, which seems to me an objective overview of the situation, should be seen by pro-choice women, pro-life women and women who are simply concerned about themselves or their daughters achieving their reproductive goals with optimal chances for long-term health. That is to say, by pretty well all women.

Canadian filmmaker Punam Kumar Gill, who identifies as pro-choice, said she wanted to find out the truth about abortion risks and whether they are real, as pro-lifers say, or overblown, as abortion activists claim. LifeNews.com