Tag - ProLife

The week I left the Democratic Party

Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus

We pro-life citizens are an unwelcome group among the Dems. Like many pro-life Democrats, I had been dispirited by the inclusion in the 2016 Democratic Party Platform of the repeal of the Hyde Amendment. Article by Timothy P. O’Malley

As a lower class kid growing up in East Tennessee, I know that sometimes we need government and Church assistance alike to pay the bills for a month or to have presents on Christmas morning. This personal narrative has been the reason I’ve been able to belong to a political party that has over my lifetime become increasingly hostile toward its pro-life membership. In my conscience, I’ve seen the rise of pro-choice politics in the Democratic Party as an unreasonable aberration, a strange denial of the human dignity of the unborn in a party that at least purports to affirm the dignity of those on the margins.

I naively imagined that there was a place at the table for someone like me, formed in a Church that has affirmed the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. If anyone can be president, as this convention has said again and again, shouldn’t it also be the case that unplanned children may also occupy this office?

Children who come at the wrong time are best disposed of. Only children who come into our lives when we want should be kept.