Tag - Youth

Summer Pro-Life Boot Camps Build Leaders

Students trained at summer Pro-Life boot camps make a difference for human life in their communities.

Many high school and college students today, including those within the Catholic and Protestant communities, reject or are indifferent to the pro-life view, often because they’ve never heard a compelling case for life presented at their schools or churches. What’s desperately needed are pro-life presentations designed to communicate to students the facts and arguments upon which pro-life principles are based. Students must be taught to defend it on hostile turf—such as the high school or university campus. They need to know that their pro-life convictions can stand up to rational scrutiny. Without this confidence, they won’t engage their peers on this issue. Worse still, they may jettison their pro-life convictions for a quiet relativism that values tolerance over truth. Full Article

The PULSE Pro-life Youth Initiative is a multi-faceted initiative to train the junior high, high school, and college students of Louisiana to be pro-life agents of change in their communities. In addition to the PULSE Immersions, the PULSE Leadership Institute (PLI) is an intensive week-long camp designed to equip high school and college students to be the pro-life leaders of today.

Pro-life activism should include protecting, uniting, leading, serving and educating individuals on the sacredness of all human life.  PULSE stands for the tools we hope to impart to students all across our country so they can take the “Pro-Life Pulse” of their state and revitalize the movement in their own communities.